Friday, November 20, 2009

Now that I've finally begun a blog, I'd like to know if there is anyone reading this -- what would you like to know about Aspen -- the real estate market, ski conditions, activities, current events -- I can review restaurants, books, give advice on almost any topic. It's free, so you get what you pay for. Right now my husband and I are in Cave Creek, Arizona -- an old mining town as old as Aspen, though mining for gold, not silver as in Aspen. It's cute, funky, western, biker, fine food, cowboy food, golfing -- and not too far from the museums, shops, etc. of Scottsdale and Phoenix. I am a birder, and am keeping track of the seasonal birds here, and looking for information on unusual sightings.

Real estate sales in Aspen are occurring, and by the end of the year I will report on the trends and highs and lows. Greed is no longer rampant -- sellers and buyers are more rational.

We'll see if anyone is reading -- please comment.